Museums of city life and decorative arts
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Create a database of the museums of urban life that you know either directly or virtually (see chapter on daily life in Georgian Cities website), filling each field with details of their main features.
- searching for institutions relevant to a topic
- finding the institutions
- tracing their key features
- filling and using databases:
- understanding of the typology of database fields
- extracting data
This is a series of 'read only' screenshots meant to show visitors the steps of the exercise; the tabs and fields or menus are not active.
The students would first find a pre-set database with a sample entry about a museum of daily life made by the professor:
They would then have to select the 'Add entry' tab to find the following table and make a new entry of their own on a museum of daily life of their choice:
When several entries have been added by the various students, they can select the 'Search' option to perform extractions, and the 'Sort' option to classify the entries according to the criterion of one of the fields of the database, such as the date of foundation. This is meant to familiarise students with the simpler processes of a database.
Please do not take into account the elements below since there is no real database attached to the exercise.