Mapping urban society 2: cartographic practice
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The text below is a 'read-only' question; it is meant to give visitors an idea of possible exercises. Registered students should click on the 'Submission' button available to them in order to move to the exercise page and write or attach their contribution.
Select one of the cities you have discussed in the preceding exercise; import a map of it in your paint program, and mark the various areas you have defined in the exercise, using colour coding (same basic paint program and image editing skills as in Unit 1).
Bear in mind: texts of the period describe the social distribution of the population in cities, as do archival documents such as tax returns; but thematic cartography was invented in the 19th century (notably Booth's Map, 1889, colour-coding each London street according to the income of its inhabitants), so that when we practise it, we apply such methods retrospectively.
- cartography and colour coding
- awareness of the history of information visualisation