Eighteenth-century Oxford
For an introduction about Oxford, read Georgian Cities http://www.18thc-cities.paris-sorbonne.fr/spip.php?article281&lang=en
The undergraduates (students) are attached to various colleges, which have developed through the centuries, from the Middle Ages or the Renaissance to the present day.
A 1751 map showing the colleges, where the names of the places mentioned on the Georgian Cities website and in the present assignment have been added:
1) The colleges: Listen to the presentation of two of the colleges, the Queen's College and Christ Church: https://www.queens.ox.ac.uk/history and
Read chapters on the 18th century in college histories: literature at Trinity College and religion at Lincoln College https://www.trinity.ox.ac.uk/college-history/ and https://www.lincoln.ox.ac.uk/History
Write a summary on the 18th-century developments mentioned.
2) Science:
- Study the website of the History of Science Museum in Oxford, selecting the passages dealing with the 18th century: the "Science Walk" describing buildings in Oxford meant for scientific activities throughout the centuries, and the places linked to famous scientists (https://www.mhs.ox.ac.uk/features/walk/loc10.htm)
- Search for more information on Edmond Halley (mentioned in the Science Walk), and write a summary of your findings showing the situation of the 18th century in the history of science.
- To find information about Halley, make yourself familiar with the online library of our university: website of Sorbonne Université, then: Formation/La bibliothèque de Sorbonne Université / Consulter les ressources en ligne/ Retrouvez toutes les ressources en ligne; select (in alphabetical list) JSTOR, a collection of periodicals on historical subjects, and do an advanced search in it, with Halley (as the title of the article) and Savilian (in the full text of the article): Halley was Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford, so we shall find information on his activities there. See screenshot: