Religious music
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The text below is a 'read-only' question; it is meant to give visitors an idea of possible exercises. Registered students should use the other version of the course "Georgian Cities: S2".
Having read the pages dealing with eighteenth-century religious music in the Georgian era, and listened to their musical illustrations, please fill in the following table in order to compare, and contrast, eighteenth-century anthems and hymns.
When you find that the issues are more complex than might appear at first sight, please do not hesitate to provide multiple answers, with precise references to the examples that you have in mind.
(Note: 'denominations' means 'religious groups or churches', primarily the 'Church of England' and the other denominations)
Religious music |
Eighteenth-century anthems |
Eighteenth-century hymns |
Denomination(s) |
Singers (choir/congregation?) |
Lyrics (Scripture quotation?) |
Musical instruments(if any) |
4-part harmony or monody? |
Tune: monosyllabism? |
Copy the table and paste in into your 'submission' page, then fill it in.